Mar 3, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Have My Feet Tickled

Put Em Up I was tired yesterday, as I have related to you, after a certain someone woke up around 6.15am and dragged me out of bed.

Later in the day, after our beach fun and all that, and Eloise had had a sleep, Nicole returned from work and decided that she had a craving for meat and cooked a roast.

Part of the process for this involved a modicum of shopping and for this purpose she went out, with Eloise accompanying, as she loves shopping.

Meanwhile I diddled about for a bit, then picked up Tom Clancy as a sure fire way of falling asleep and lay down. Within two pages it had done its job.

A subjective few seconds later, I heard voices running along the lines of

"Where's Daddy"
"I don't know"
"Here he is. I tickle his feet."

Followed by hoots and shrieks of delight as I moved my feet in semi-conscious evasive maneouvres.

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