Jan 30, 2008

Sun Sun Sun

River City On the third day of the long weekend, rather than break the habit of a lunchtime, we went to the beach again.

Nicole was back to work earning the shekels to keep us dosed up on caffeine so was unable to attend, probably quietly seething in her air-conditioned medico-biosphere whilst I pulled the prostrated form of Eloise through the shallows of Moreton Bay on Nudgee Beach, Her Worship perched if not balanced precariously on the now-ubiquitous flowery boogie board.

The sun was out, the sun cream on, the ever unpopular hat slouched on her head. The water was beautifully warm and the tide gently coming in.

She has been coming up with some alternative musical terms. For instance she refers to Perry Como as "Mr Comby," Basement Jaxx as "Mr Jackson" and the Kate Bush classic "Babooshka" as "Back the Bush." I hope this last doesn't give any indication of political leanings.

The fine weather broke yesterday and the rain started again. The Queenslanders are telling me that this is how it used to be before the Big Dry, but I think it calls into question the whole Sunshine State thing frankly.

Yesterday, Tuesday that is, we had the irrepressible joy of a return to the Forté school of music for a new year. They have new tunes and everything. At the time I thought they were quite catchy, but now I can't remember a thing about them. Still Eloise was glad to be back.

And today she graduated to a new room at nursery. She's now a Fairy Penguin. Who would have thought it. Whilst she was in Nursery I toddled down to the city briefly after dropping Nicole off at a training course she was attending about death, dying and communicating with terminally morbid people. Should stand her in good stead. In between showers I took some snapshots.

Then later I walked the dogs in a new, unfamiliar part of Bunyaville Forest just off the Jinker Track. I'm sure it would be lovely, from what I could see it was, but it started raining cats and dogs and by the time I'd got very far my vision was obscured by streams of water flowing over my specs and I couldn't see a damn thing. I had to take off my clothes to drive home, they were so wet.

Still I took a scenic detour on the way back to a place called Clear Mountain which had very impressive views. And steep hills.

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