The temperature has been building a bit this week, getting into the thirties a couple of days, and it's been raining pretty regularly. This makes for a bit of humidity, which, whilst not actually uncomfortable, has led to a little sweating and some complaints from the locals.
Eloise has unilaterally moved into her big bed, which is nice. She has used this as a basis for exploration, and has worked out how to switch on her fairy lights (non-Christmas). She has a toy-bin which she is using as a bedside table to put jewelery and watches on.
Schools are getting towards breaking up and the classes we go to had their final week this week. At music yesterday there was a little party afterwards and in conversation I foolishly mentioned that Eloise had slept in til 9.
This morning Eloise woke up at 4.30am. And didn't go back to sleep. I had her in with me - Nicole is on nights - and tried to get her to go to sleep again. And to be fair she was lying quite quietly, but unmistakeably awake.
Around 6 o'clock it must have been, I was just steeling myself to get up and face the world as it was getting quite light. The next thing I knew it was seven o'clock and Eloise was out of bed. And Nicole's make-up drawer was open.
The floor was covered with some sort if skin-coloured stuff, Eloise was covered in some sort of red stuff. I found a bottle of makeup in the washing machine. So she'd been busy...
She fell asleep for five minutes in the car on the way to swimming and consequently wasn't really in top for it. Hmmmm.
Dec 12, 2007
Wet Warm Humid
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