Sep 25, 2007

Long Exposure

Did I mention that, that night at Rainbow Beach I did a lot of messing around taking long exposure photographs... so long that stars appeared as streaks as the sky rotated above us?

Did I also mention that I spent so long taking these that the battery on the camera ran out?

Oh, and that I didn't bring the charger?

Anyway, cursing myself I got up bright and early the next morning and bunged on the deet as the sandflies were being bastards. Eloise got up at the same time as me and within five minutes had a big bite right on her forehead.

We wandered around in a bit of a daze until the others woke up whereupon I made some breakfast for us and we proceeded to spend the entire day doing practically nothing at all.

Chris and Nicky went out ostensibly to collect firewood from the beach.

The rest of us went out to check out Inskip Point. There were lots of little camping grounds dotted along just behind the beaches up there that looked very nice indeed for a little break, nestled as they were in the forests just behind some very nice stretches of sand.

We climbed down onto a beach as the sun was going down but it was pretty damn cold! So we went home again and a huge fire was concocted. The night was cold and we didn't last as long as the previous night although the pyro had built a better fire.

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