Aug 31, 2007

What a Fun Friday

Story Bridge Lights We took the dogs to Coot-tha this morning climbed up steep hills which was hard work after a couple of weeks of light dog-walking duty, forced on us by other commitments and weather.

After frolicking - if that's how you spell it - up there for a while we filled the car up with apparently free salary sacrificed petrol, bought with a fuel card. You swipe it, enter your mileage, and off you go. As it comes out of money we never see and we haven't really gotten our heads around this whole sacrificing thing, it's apparently free. Though of course really it isn't... it's just cheaper.

In the afternoon we had the deep joy of having chest X-rays taken, for the renewal of our current visa. The machine that developed the plates was impressive/neat/cool/whatever and the pictures were available practically instantly.

I sneaked a peek and the radiographer was most impressed by my large chest cavity capacity. Well I say "most impressed," I really mean she commented on it. Probably in a "well I suppose I'd better say something" kind of way.

Yesterday Eloise wouldn't eat her supper and was chastised for having eaten snacks too soon before supper (skating over and sweeping under the inconvenient fact that those snacks had been given to her by a certain somebody) so after our chest X-ray we had late lunch at the Coffee Club in Wilston, with two cups of FW coffee for me and so ruined our appetites for supper.

So I've just got Eloise to sleep for the second time after falling for the "Daddy! Wee Wee" trick and - hook, line, and sinker - taking her to the toilet where she clearly wasn't remotely interested in urinating, which wasn't really surprising as she hasn't actually really done it yet ever.

Still second time lucky. I've explained to her the importance of bones (human ones, and hers in particular, rather than dog bones) in growing and standing and jumping, and after she stopped jumping I put her to bed. Although having rumbled her plan, I declined the invitations for cuddles and Twinkle Twinkle/Babylon.

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