Jun 25, 2007


Eloise and Nicole Cold on the River Well we did try to go out on the train. The plan was to bike it up to Wooloowin station then get the train down to Manly and ride up and down the Esplanade.

Unfortunately Nicole got a puncture a couple of hundred yards up the road, so we aborted, took Nicole's bike to the bike shop (it was due for a service on Friday anyway) and went into the city on the bus.

We walked down to the riverside, and caught a Ferry up the river. It was very wobbly... they are only quite small boats and of course we had to go on the upper deck. When the sun came out it was nice and warm, otherwise less so.... even though we all had at least two pullovers on!

That night Nicole and Chris went out to a works do with some of Nicole's workmates. I'll leave it up to Nicole to comment on their shennanigans.

On Friday the bikes were in at the shop for a service. In the afternoon we went up to Geebung and picked the repaired Sonata up, God bless it. All seems ship shape.

We made good use of our new-found freedom by going... car shopping. Or rather, potential car scouting.

On Saturday we went up to Nudgee Beach for the first time in three weeks and braved the cold and bluster for a little while. We repaired to Pam's Café afterwards for lunch, which was cheap and tasty.

We were invited across the road for a curry night at Val's to celebrate her Nth birthday. There was a plethora of curry on offer, and we sat out on her verandah munching away while the rain drizzled around us. Chris built a fire... they're pyromaniacs these Slimms. Eloise made herself very busy pushing prams around and playing with cuddly toys, and annoying a chihuahua to the point where it gave her a little nip and a big fright.

Yesterday we went a bit farther afield to the Dog Beach at Bribie Island. The weather was a bit better and intermittently sunny. We walked up the beach some distance then stopped for a picnic.

We got back home an later on an email came through from Ric and Cate offering the house until September, so honouring the one-year agreement, then charging rent, with the car part of the deal whilst we stayed here. We are thinking it through...

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