May 2, 2007

A Day at the Beach

Eloise and Nicole Monkeynuts pushed back the boundaries of sleeping in this morning, and didn't wake up until 9.15! We almost missed Playschool, which would have been a disaster, but Jay and/or Justine aren't on this week, so we literally didn't lose any sleep over it. Although Rhys is quite good, in a veiledly sarcastic way.

I got out the hoover this morning and gave the house a good going over, whilst the ladies got up to whatever they got up to.

We resolved to go to Bribie Island and the excellent dog beach there. We set off at 12.30, delayed slightly by Eloise falling off the decking at the front of the house and giving herself a nasty knock on the head. Well, she won't do it again.

She was in good spirits soon though, and demanding verses of Row Row which Nicole and I performed in rounds whilst the dogs looked on bemusedly.

As soon as we got to the beach we broke out the sandwiches, some of which ended up, quite literally, as sand-wiches, much to Nicole's disgust. I tried one and it was very crunchy although the sand on the beach is quite fine.

We walked up the beach and down the beach. Eloise was walking really well. We think she must have walked a good three-quarters of the four or five kilometres we think we might have covered.

Red Beach is great for driftwood, and we played around on that. I took lots of photos of it. It's very photogenic. Eloise also demanded a lot of twirling and throwing around. Well, she enjoys it.

About four o'clock we got back and went to get coffee. There was a serving error; I asked for a cup of tea and got a cappucino. Nicole remonstrated - I assume - with the surly checkout shiela and eventually her tea turned up.

We then drove up to another dogs-permitted-area but on the leash, and watched what turned out to be a pretty spectacular sunset unveil itself.

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