Apr 8, 2007


Swimming Against the Tide Yesterday felt quite autumnal. A fresh wind was blowing and it was quite cool (though the ambient temperature was still in the mid to high twenties). We cycled up the brook in the morning and noticed how even the grass down there is starting to look yellowed and dry. There hasn't been significant rain for quite a while now.

Later we went up to the Pet Superstore to check out flea treatments. Yes, the dogs have fleas. Actually they are hoaching with them... which is a mystery because they've been treated regular as clockwork with Frontline which should keep them at bay. We administered a special dose the other day but no joy... perhaps we are looking at highly evolved transgenic fleas, who knows! However we have some new stuff now - hardcore Frontline spray-on stuff.

After some food shopping we headed down to the beach. The tide was out and Nicole hasn't been to the beach for ages so I thought it would be nice. Nicole put a jumper on, prophetically.

And it was windy too! It rattled across the bay and onto the beach making the patterns in the sand and squalls on the water that you can see. It was a little chilly in the wind, belied by the clear sunny skies. As usual the jellyfish were dotted around all over the place.

We walked oout onto the sand and paddled in the pools. Eloise and I ran around and twirled, again and again until we were dizzy and staggering around like drunkards.

We called it a day at sunset as Nicole was cold and Eloise had turned blue!

After Squaeky-bedtime we administered the dog-spray and my god it's obnoxious stuff. However the fleas started falling off immediately. We'll have to keep an eye on things for a couple of days... and blitz the skirting boards - and carpet - of the house.

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