Mar 18, 2007


Keep Still! Here's a photo I took last night with the timer function on the camera. Passers-by were having a right old laugh at me pressing the button on the camera, grabbing the sprog, placing us both in front of it, checking the picture on the camera, then running after Eloise who was generally miles away by now.

Anyway today we were up bright and early - eight o'clock - but it took ages for actual consciousness to arrive. It was the Australian Grand Prix today and they have an all-day TV spectacular on. With Murray Walker! So we watched that for a bit, then went to the beach about half ten, and frolicked up there for a while.

We went and fed the ducks later on down at the brook, without the dogs. Eloise tried to give some of her bread to a little boy, which was nice. She spent more time chasing the ducks that actually feeding them.

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