Will phoned suggesting a trip out on Friday and it so happened that Nicole would be around as she was going onto nights.
With an optician's appointment in the afternoon for me, it would have to be the morning and someone mentioned dawn. Once mentioned it cannot be taken back so we set the alarm clock for four in the morning and I padded around the house gently imbibing coffee and eating toast before we set off at four thirty for Bribie Island.
Notoriously bad at timing, we expected to be there very early so we stopped off at a servo for coffee and a croissant and got to the beach as darkness began to recede.
We'd hoped that the tide would be higher, but it wasn't, and there wouldn't be clouds in the way of the sun, but there were.
And a chill wind was blowing off the sea which went to my very bones.
But when the sun came over the trees and started to skim the crests of the waves and they were lit up with the golden light, it was undeniably pretty.
We got back to Brisbane by nine o'clock in time to see Eloise off to school.